Award-Winning Urban Fantasy Author
Meet J.D. Brown!
Below is a list of events where J.D. will be available for autographs and other reading/writing activities. Visit this page often as new events are added each month. Want to get email notifications when a new event is added? Join J.D.'s VIP List here.

Upcoming Events

I LOVE VAMPIRE NOVELS Gathering Event 2019
When: October 15 - Nov 1, 2019
Where: Online (virtual event)
Tickets: http://ilovevampirenovels.com/jdbrown
J.D. Brown will be a Featured Guest Speaker at The Gathering Event 2019 hosted by ILOVEVAMPIRENOVELS.COM
General admission is FREE. Registration is mandatory.
Past Events

Hotel coffee shenanigans

Setting up and goofing off w/H.D. Gordon & Karina Espinosa

Amazing keynote speaker, Kami Garicia!

Hotel coffee shenanigans

Breadloaf Beachside Authorfest 2015, Lake Geneva, WI

J.D. and Charlene Wilson at Breadloaf Beachside Authorfest 2015

Breadloaf Beachside Authorfest 2015, Lake Geneva, WI